Carolina Ophthalmology Associates Partners with North Carolina Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat-Chapel Hill and aligns with Duke Health

Carolina Ophthalmology Associates Partners with North Carolina Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat-Chapel Hill and aligns with Duke Health
DURHAM, N.C. – Beginning Jan. 1, 2024, Carolina Ophthalmology Associates' three providers and eight team members will join North Carolina Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat (NCEENT) – Chapel Hill, a Duke Health Integrated Practice.
The move allows patients of James Bryan III, M.D., Mark Scroggs, M.D., and Nicole Penke, M.D., expanded access to ophthalmology care and the full range of services provided by NCEENT, including otolaryngology, audiology, and speech language pathology.
The practice’s current and new patients will also use Duke MyChart, a portal that offers secure access to medical records, appointment scheduling, video visits, and electronic billing.
“North Carolina Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat welcomes Dr. Bryan, Dr. Scroggs, Dr. Penke, and Carolina Ophthalmology Associates’ eight team members to our distinguished practice,” said Asra Firozvi, M.D., president of North Carolina Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Board of Directors. "NCEENT is excited to serve these new patients within the Duke Health system."
NCEENT offers adult and pediatric care at five Triangle locations in Durham, Chapel Hill, Cary, and Roxboro. The Chapel Hill location is at 1838 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., less than one mile from Carolina Ophthalmology Associates.
“We are excited to join a practice that is close to our location and offers patients a variety of services within our Chapel Hill community,” said Bryan, who is founder of Carolina Ophthalmology Associates. “Patients won’t have to go far to receive outstanding ophthalmology care.”
NCEENT has provided ophthalmic and ENT services, conducted medical research, and trained new doctors, in the greater Triangle since 1914. The practice joined Duke Health in 2019.